Music Choice programs music and produces music-related content for digital cable television, mobile phone and cable modem users in the United States. Music Choice programs dozens … More
Our Work

MindMeMobile provides a painless and affordable mobile marketing tool for SMBs. In just minutes, MindMeMobile will helps business setup a proven text message marketing channel so … More

Pure Storage
Pure Storage, the all-flash enterprise storage company, enables the broad deployment of flash in the data center. When compared to traditional disk-centric arrays, Pure Storage … More

GoToPills provides the only off label prescription drug database in the world. A patented and ground breaking healthcare technology that increases patient safety and decreases … More

SEMI promotes the development of the global electronics supply chain and positively influences the growth and prosperity of its members. SEMI advances the mutual business interests … More empowers consumers and executives with an open web-based message and information forum allowing consumers to voice their concerns and shower praise. The ETB … More
Latest News
10 Rules to better project management
PLANNING 1: Plan the work by utilizing a project definition document There is a tendency for IT infrastructure projects to shortchange the planning process, with an emphasis on … More
Do less and do it better. Build a steak knife, not a Swiss Army knife.
In the first half of the 20th century, enjoying a good steak was a true labor of love. The common table knife required frequent sharpening and polishing to be able to slice through … More
Are the Key factors of MBaaS actually it’s weakness?
There has been lots of discussion around mobile backend as a service (MBaaS) and the merits of open source vs. proprietary options in this space. Arguments on either side of the … More
Google attempts to unify the internet-connected Internet of Things
Project Brillo is Google's attempt to unify the internet-connected "things" which make up the Internet of Things we keep hearing about, but until now we've not heard of many … More
The key business and process-related mistakes in mobile application development
Coinciding with recent growth in smartphone usage, mobile apps have skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years. In 2009 alone, there were roughly 2.5 billion fee-based … More
Android Studio 2.0
Ahead of the upcoming final release, Google has released the next major version of its Android Studio IDE for developers to put through its paces and help to eliminate any … More